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In this blog we are going to know about the power of education and how can we more improvement in this field.

  • How should be our education system?

  • Why should we get education?

Before spell out this blog, I have a work for you. After read this blog, you have to give your opinion in the comment section.

Education is a power of every country and every person. If  you are educated so you can change every possible things. If you have a grasp of education so you can change the attitude to see this world. With education lots of people have changed their life. Who they were poor and they did not have any identity. They made their life with education.

If a man is not educated so he can not live a respectfully life and valuable life. He can earn lots of money but he can not earn value and respect in the society.

Thousands of years ago the people were uneducated. They did not have so many sources to live their life.They did not have proper food, proper clothes to wear and a proper house. Just because lack of knowledge, and knowledge comes with education. But now everything has changed, just because of education.

A ordinary man if he work hard to get education, one day he will become an extra ordinary person to ordinary person by education. It is a power of education.

I have lots of examples--

1. Abraham Lincoln       
2.A P J Abdul kalam
3. Swami vivekanand
4. Jack ma
5. Bill gates     and many more............You also can change your life by education like them and become a mentor millions of people.

There are two ways to get education.

One is theoritical and second is practical.

Here the question is what is the best way for students.

In theoritical way you only can keep remember things for 7 days, 10 days maximum 30 days, after that you will forget whatever you have  learnt. So this way is not good for students.

If I talk about practical way, in this way a student who learn everything by practical, he keeps remember everything for long time.

For an example - Your project is bulb making. You go to the library and use all equipment to make bulb. You will know all process to making bulb and make sure you will never forget that practical way easily. So practical way is good for students.

What is the condition of education in India?

You know the population of India is more or less 130 crore. India has a biggest power of Youth in this world, and biggest number of youth is unemployee.

Question is why?

A successful person said one thing that,

  If you know about any country. so you go to the school of that country,
You will understand , What will be the future of that country.

In our India 95% theory and only 5% p
ractical. If we want to beat other country so we have to change this ratio. We have to do 5% theory and 95% practical. If we do like this seriously no one will be able to defeat us.

Uneducated person like a darkest night.
Educated person like a sun full of light.

It is up to you that what do you want to become?  Darkest night or full of light. If you are a uneducated so you will spread dark everywhere. If you are a educated so you will spread light like a sun.

Hard work beat the talent 
when talent does not hard work.

Thank you                                                                                 Faizal khan


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